John Einarsen
Perception Beyond Borders
People press the shutter to express something they see, a pure perception that touches the heart. However, many things—expectation, memory, preconception, judgement, bias, ambition—can get in the way of this initial encounter and prevent them from fully connecting with their perception. These are like walls or boundaries in the mind that restrict, narrow and limit what people are capable of “seeing.” Instead of seeing what is, people land on habitual patterns and labels. When we dissolve these walls and soften minds, we become still and receptive. We are in the Now. And then the world offers to us all its vivid richness. This is the approach of Miksang contemplative photography (miksang means “good eye” or “pure eye”), which is based in part on the writings on perception by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
松栄堂 薫習館
〒604-0857 京都市中京区烏丸通二条上ル東側
Open: 4/20-5/20 10:00-17:00
Open everyday
10:00 - 17:00