我是香港出生的普通勞動階層,攝影是我的喜好但其實我不懂拍照的,我每日都會拍攝,當中大部分的也是上班或下班時拍攝的隨拍,大約這 13年間我没有計算自己拍攝了多少卷菲林。但我在拍攝間看到不同『慾望』形態。用直接坦率的心態、自然的按下快門、反映真實社會的現況。 香港攝影師周生費時13年,透過鏡頭捕捉下每日上下班往返途中的所見,這些主要於街頭與地鐵的影像描繪出香港庶民社會的輪廓,讓我們見識到世間的離奇怪異與社會的參差錯雜。 I am an ordinary working class born in Hong Kong. Photography is my hobby but I don’t really know how to take pictures. I take pictures every day. Most of them are casual shots taken when I go to work or after get off work. I haven’t counted myself in the past 13 years. How many rolls of film were shot. But I saw different forms of "desire" during the shooting. With a straightforward and frank attitude, press the shutter naturally to reflect the current situation of the real society. Hong Kong photographer Zhou Sheng spent 13 years capturing what he sees on the way to and from get off work every day through the lens. These images, mainly on the streets , Record the outline of Hong Kong society, allowing us to see the strangeness of the world and the unevenness of society mixed.
〒601-8022 京都市南区東九条北松ノ木町7-1
Open: 4/13- 4/27 12:00-18:00 Open everyday
12:00 - 18:00