葉 忠宜(イエ・ツォンイー)
Yeh Chungyi
Yeh Chung yi ・Airus
My compositions always emphasize geometric design. There is always a presence of living organisms in the landscape, making it seem like nothing yet giving a sense of life. While my main profession is graphic design, I have always aspired to be a photographer. Currently not actively involved in photography, ironically, I find joy in capturing the moment when the shutter clicks. Unlike graphic design, photography allows me to shoot freely, producing works that I feel are not overly sharp. Because there is no audience / target needed to be challenged or provoked.
gallery Big
No.2, Jodojikamiminamidacho, Sakyo-ku kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Open: 4.13 Sut-5.12 Sun
Closed: Mon.Tue.
11:00 - 17:00