草木 勝
Masaru Kusaki
Concrete Paintings
I like walks, trivia and doodle. Chalk marks with construction site procedures, for example, may have a clear meaning to those involved, but to us they look like a mysterious code. Brushstrokes that have been applied by facility managers to erase them are more interesting to the eye than the "graffiti" itself under the elevated railway tracks. And when dirt and cracks due to age and deterioration are added on top of it, it becomes a wonderful scenery. These patterns, whether natural or man-made, can evoke different emotions and images in the viewer's mind. Ceramic artists call the patterns that occur by chance in the kiln “KESHIKI" , landscape in Japanese ,and reinterpret their creations from a new perspective. In this sense, for a photographer, everything he or she points a camera at is a "KESHIKI," and photography is an act of reexamining the everyday from a new perspective.
AMS Gallery 3 and the lobby
48 Nishinokyo Douda-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
Open: 5.1 Wed.–5.12 Sun.
Open Everyday
10:00 - 17:45