Kaleidoscope of Flowers
Digital Kaleidoscope of Flowers Exhibition
I process and create 'digital kaleidoscopes of flowers' from photographs of flowers taken in Kyoto. The process of creation involves various changes in colour and shape. The digital kaleidoscope images of flowers exhibited in this exhibition are the only ones in the world that capture the beautiful and gorgeous moments of the digital kaleidoscope images of flowers that change in a thousand different ways. This time, in collaboration with people involved with flowers, I will transform not only flowers but also various media related to flowers into a digital kaleidoscope of flowers in a thousand different ways. I hope that many people will see and feel the beauty of the 'digital kaleidoscope of flowers' and feel their hearts healed. In addition, I will also produce a 'moving digital kaleidoscope of flowers' on a large screen by means of a projector image at any time during this exhibition.
Cafe Figaro
Neo Corp Rakuhoku 1F, 13-2 Tanaka Kamikubo-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
Open: 4.13 Sat.–4.21 Sun.
10:00 - 18:00
need 1 drink order