川尻 潤
Jun Kawajiri
Broken , but still here shining.
In Japanese pottery art, there is an aesthetic sense that originated from "tea ceremony" in which even imperfections such as "distortion" and "cracks" are appreciated. This notion of beauty that "tolerates imperfections" suggests many things. If you apply it to people, it will be the spirit of equally loving injuries, illnesses, disabilities, and so on. I express a wonderful "imperfect world" where "benevolence" reigns. Jun KAWAJIRI The venue of this exhibition is located in the former center of traditional Kyoto ware. Mr. Kawajiri is a kiln's owner, and at the same time, as an artist living in the present age, has created a wide variety of ceramic works through reconsidering the traditional aesthetics. This exhibition is the installation composed of ceramic works that focus on the characteristics of clay itself and the video projection that contrastingly/synonymously shows the transformation of clay and the changes of time and environment. While the ceramic works suggest a cosmic view, the video works express the destruction and regeneration that occur in the process of ceramic works and in everyday life. Mr. Kawajiri's gaze symbolizes "we" living on the border of the times. Megumi MATSUO
〒605-0953京都市東山区今熊野南日吉町148-50 川尻宅内ガレージ
Open: 4/14-5/7 13:00-18:00 Closed: Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu.
13:00 - 18:00