The Crown Letter
The Crown Letter
Corona weekly diary - Perspectives of women artists from all over the world
The Crown Letter
Corona weekly diary - Perspectives of women artists from all over the world
The Crown Letter is a collective online art project, initiated by the French artist Natacha Nisic in April 2020 in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Nisic, a former artist in residence at the Villa Kujoyama, sent an invitation to women artists around the world to contribute to a collective online journal, a platform for art in a time of isolation. Each week, the artists post a new edition of the Crown Letter and hold an online salon, to discuss art and life and support each other. The Crown Letter exhibited in the Bienalsur in Argentina and Uruguay, and with curation of Photo Days in France in 2021. And now, the French Institute of Japan – Kansai presents an exhibition of The Crown Letter: an archive of the present, a testimony to the experiences of women artists during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Participating artists :
Adriana Bustos (ARG) SE Barnet (USA)Maithili Bavkar (IND) Alisa Berger (DEU) Kate Blacker (GBR) Andrea Blum (USA) Anne Brunswic (FRA) Claire Chevrier (FRA) Pascale Criton (FRA) Jutta Doberstein (DEU) Michelle Deignan (IRL) Silvana Deluigi (ARG) Liza Dimbleby (GBR) Anne Dubos (FRA) Dettie Flynn (IRL) Shani Ha (FRA) Julieta Hanono (ARG) Claire-Jeanne Jézéquel (FRA) Kyoko Kasuya (JPN) Aylin Leclaire (DEU) Joanna Lombard (SWE) Saviya Lopez (IND) Ruth Maclennan (GBR) Ana Mendes (PRT) Maricarmen Merino (CRI) Doriane Molay (FRA) Aurelia Mihai (ROU) Manuela Morgaine (FRA) Tania Mouraud (FRA) Natacha Nisic (FRA) Kumjana Novakova (BIH) Sudha Padmaja Francis (IND) Emmanuelle Pellegrini (FRA) Piyarat Piyapongwiwat (THA) Catherine Radosa (CZE/FRA) Sandra Richard (FRA) Luise Schröder (DEU) Esther Shalev-Gerz (FRA) Mika Shigemori (JPN) Natalia Smolianskaia (RUS) Katja Stuke (DEU) Catalina Swinburn (CHL) Chiyoko Szlavnics (CAN) Mutsumi Tsuda (JPN) Ivana Vollaro (ARG) Jane Watt (GBR) Emma Woffenden (GBR)
Organiser : Institut français du Japon – Kansai / Kyoto
Partner : Goethe Institut Villa Kamogawa & Baron de Lestac
Institut français du Kansai
8 Yoshidaizumidonocho, Sakyo Ku, Kyoto〒606-8301
Open:4/9-5/7 10:00-19:00, and 4/24 (Sunday)
Closed: Sun, Mon, National holidays and from 4/29 to 5/05
10:00 - 19:00
Admission free
Crown salon on zoom will be held by participating artists (please check the website of Institut Français for the detail)