佐藤 素子、須賀 由美子
Motoko Sato, Yumiko Suga
Yumiko Suga's mother's family lives in a region where the wood used to make kokeshi dolls is grown. At a time when her daily life is saturated with digital and verbal information, the smile of a kokeshi doll gives her a sense of peace and mystical power. Motoko Sato's father is a botanical artist. Ever since she was a child, she has always had a fear of human interaction and wants to become a plant when she dies. Plants have always been a source of healing for her. Through her kokeshi dolls, created with the help of plants and artisans, and through the plants that live and die in nature, these two artists hope to bring comfort to those who are suffering and tired in today's society. At the same time, as authors and storytellers, they would like to express their own gratitude to the viewers and to our subjects.
be-kyoto gallery
429-1 Anrakukouji-chō Kamidachiuri Shinmachi-dōri Kamigyō-ku Kyōto 602-0064
Open everyday
Open:4/30-5/8 10:00-17:00 (10:00-16:00 last day)
10:00 - 17:00
Admission free